
Cobdogla Primary School

Dolan St, Cobdogla SA 5346

Our School

Cobdogla Primary School is a high performing school in South Australia’s Riverland, and is part of the Berri-Barmera Partnership. Established in 1917, the school continues to be the central hub for the community. Our Core values of Kindness, Resilience, Personal Best and Honesty are central to our improvement cycle and guide our plans and actions. Our current student enrolment is 103, enabling closer relationships amongst students and staff as well as more individualised programs. The School provides quality teaching and learning, as we set high standards and expectations in all aspects of the curriculum. Our dedicated professional staff engage students in research-based approaches to increase growth and raise achievement levels for our students in Literacy and Numeracy.

As a ‘Be You’ school, we recognise the importance of good mental health and wellbeing and the impact this has on learning and relationships. We have created a safe, supportive and challenging learning environment where all students are encouraged to reach their personal best.

Our Motto:

Together We Thrive

Our Vision:

At Cobdogla Primary School, we inspire students to be courageous and resilient learners. Together, we foster kindness and personal excellence, where everyone participates as confident community members.

Our Values:

Kindness, Resilience, Personal Best and Honesty

Specialist Programs

We provide extra opportunities for student learning through specialist programs such as:

  • Environmental Education (YEL, Garden Plots, Chicken managers)
  • Leadership (SRC, Year 6 Leaders, Leadership Camp, Halogen)
  • Wellbeing (Pastoral Care Worker, School Counsellor)
  • The Arts (Choir, Instrumental Music)
  • Sport (SAPSASA, Knock Out Cup,Premier’s Be Active Challenge, Sporting Schools)
  • Languages (Specialist AUSLAN Teacher)
  • Literacy (Literacy Block, InitiaLit Reading Program, Guided Reading, Premier’s Reading Challenge)
  • Aboriginal Education (Specialist Aboriginal Education Worker)

Bus and Facilities

The school recently acquired a new 18 seater school bus, which is used for camps and excursions. It can also be hired out for community use.

The school offers stunning grounds and facilities, including shaded play areas, gym, swimming pool, large oval, playgrounds, sensory room and an extensive library. We are well equipped with resources, with the school connected to the NBN, and every student having access to laptops and iPads.


Recent successes that the school community is proud of include:

  • 2022 Knock out Cup Tennis and AFL Champion School
  • Tennis AUS 2021 ‘Most Outstanding School’
  • Only School in South Australia to achieve high performance scores in all components of NAPLAN five years in a row
  • Positive school culture and growing enrolments